ITR Technical Bulletins:
Date Posted Description File Link ( pdf )
8/31/11 ITR Warranty Flat Rate Schedule ITR_Warranty_Schedule.pdf
8/31/11 ITR Marine Warranty Claims Procedure MarineWarrantyClaimsprocedure.pdf
5/2/06 Requirements for Fuel Filter MTB-043-10 Fuel return
4/25/06 Change in LCD Programming ETB022-10
9/4/04 CO model see through filter upgrade MTB-002-A SEE THRU FILTER
5/10/07 Stainless head compressor MTB-098-30 Stainless head compressor
3/27/06 Thermal Cut off addition ETB018-20.pdf
9/13/05 Flame sensor upgrade ETB013-10.pdf
1/31/05 Two wire solenoid upgrade ETB001-10.pdf
5/11/07 MTB-101-10 Compressor field test MTB-101-10.pdf
6/25/07 Removal of Ground wire V2001 ETB035-10
9/20/07 Fuel return restrictor MTB-103-11 Fuel return restrictor
2/23/08 DM12 aquastat position MTB-111-11DM12aquastatposition.pdf
4/22/08 Compressor bleeder CO model MTB-113-10-Compressor-bleeder1.pdf
12/2/09 SCH25 Compressor bleeder MTB-114-10SCH25Compressorbleeder1.pdf
4/14/09 Compressor bleeder H2,HWH,SCH25 MTB-120-20 Compressor bleeder H2 HWH
9/02/09 CO model fuel pump MTB-123-10COmodelfuelpump.pdf
7/27/09 MTB-124-10 COMBI pump MTB-124-10COMBIpump.pdf
7/31/08 Hurricane II’s V2001 ED053-14 H2 V2001 Internal Wiring
7/31/09 Ground wire color change ETB-038-10-Ground-wire-color-change.pdf
6/25/10 Hurricane II’s with V2.5 control boards MTB-135-10HurricaneswithV2.5controlboards
6/25/10 H2 V2.5 internal wiring H2internalwiringED053-16.pdf
6/25/10 H2L V2.5 internal wiring H2LinternalwiringED062-15
6/25/10 Additional zone board with V2.5 ED109-10H2Additionalzoneboard
11/02/09 Angled Fuel pump orientation MTB-130-10 fuel pump orientation
7/08/10 Diagnosing Flame Faults MTB-137-10DiagnosingFlameFaults
7/12/10 H2 high limit aquastat MTB-139-10H2highlimitaquastat_000
7/28/10 ITR compressor installation MTB-140-10SCH25ITRcompressor
8/28/11 Compressor replacement and installation MTB-143-30-Compressor-replacement.pdf
ITR General Information:
Date Topic File
5/2/06 Diagram for AC/DC Pump Setup AC-DC Pump Diagram
5/2/06 DM8 Flow Drawing DM8 Flow Drawing
5/2/06 Dual H2 Plumbing Diagram Dual H2 Plumbing Diagram
5/2/06 Hurricane II Parts Diagram
01/10 H2 Combi Plumbing Schematic
Purging the hurricane system of air Purgingthehurricanesystemofair.pdf
V2001 W1/W2 used for space heating W1_W2Spaceheating